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St Peter's Prep Schools - Understanding THRASS

February 12, 2016 | Academics | Kenda Melvill-Smith (Head :Boys JP) and Heather Kissack (Head: Girls JP)
THRASS stands for: Teaching Handwriting Reading And Spelling Skills. This is the method we use at St Peter’s Prep Schools. We have recently run a parent workshop and have summarised the gist of how THRASS…

Welcome to Darrel Webb - the new St Peter’s Girls Prep Headmaster

January 11, 2016 | Academics | Jean Macleod
With the start of the new 2016 academic year we welcome Darrel Webb as the new Headmaster of the Girls…

2015 Matriculants Achieve Academic Excellence

January 04, 2016 | Academics | Theresa Monoyoudis
100% Pass with 97% University Entrance / 103 Students with 99 Achieving University Entrance Mr Rui Morais, the Headmaster of St Peter’s College, is delighted with this year’s Grade 12 results and sends his congratulations to all students across the country who passed their Final…

St Peter's Boys Grade 7 FLP

July 24, 2015 | Academics | Rebecca Govender
It has been interesting watching the boys develop their organisational skills this week. The variable nature of the activities enabled boys to focus on their interests for the most part. The boys were actively involved in researching, assimilation of information and the culmination of a set…